Ensure Protality and Glucerna Healthcare Professional Samples & Resources
Ensure Protality and Glucerna Healthcare Professional Samples & Resources
Ensure Protality and Glucerna Healthcare Professional Samples & Resources

Abbott’s Nutrition Resource offers credentialed healthcare professionals in the continental US the opportunity to sign up for adult nutrition product samples, coupons, and educational materials. Sign up below to take advantage of these exclusive benefits!

  • Contact Information
  • Shipping Information
  • Request Materials

Contact Information

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Please enter a valid Patient Count Per Month This field is required Please enter a valid Patient Count Per Month

I understand that the information I’ve provided will be used only by Abbott and its contracted third parties to contact me by mail and email with helpful information and offers about Abbott products and services. Abbott will not sell or transfer my name or contact information to any third party for their marketing use.  To be removed from our mailing list or request a copy of this information, contact 1-877-457-1869.

For additional details about how we keep your information confidential, please see our Privacy Policy. Limit one enrollment per practice.

By submitting the information above, you agree that it will be governed by our site’s Privacy Policy. Providing your personal information through this form will be treated the same as if you provided a physical signature.

Ensure & Glucerna Samples & coupons

Product Samples and Coupons

Receive product samples and coupons to help your patients get back on track to better nutrition.

Healthcare Professionals

News, Updates, and Patient Resources

Get important information to help patients make better nutrition choices.

Free Accredited continuing education on nutrition topics

Professional Education

Free, accredited continuing education on nutrition topics available by registering at Abbott Nutrition Health Institute.

Need to update your information or have an important question? Call Abbott Consumer Relations at 1.877.457.1869.


Shipping Information

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Please note that we are only able to ship to business locations. Please include your suite number in the separate field below.

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I understand that the information I’ve provided will be used only by Abbott and its contracted third parties to contact me by mail and email with helpful information and offers about Abbott products and services. Abbott will not sell or transfer my name or contact information to any third party for their marketing use.  To be removed from our mailing list or request a copy of this information, contact 1-877-457-1869.

For additional details about how we keep your information confidential, please see our Privacy Policy. Limit one enrollment per practice.

By submitting the information above, you agree that it will be governed by our site’s Privacy Policy. Providing your personal information through this form will be treated the same as if you provided a physical signature.


Request Materials

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(Check all that apply.)

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Designed to help minimize the blood sugar spike from consuming Glucerna compared to high-glycemic carbohydrates.

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I understand that the information I’ve provided will be used only by Abbott and its contracted third parties to contact me by mail and email with helpful information and offers about Abbott products and services. Abbott will not sell or transfer my name or contact information to any third party for their marketing use.  To be removed from our mailing list or request a copy of this information, contact 1-877-457-1869.

For additional details about how we keep your information confidential, please see our Privacy Policy. Limit one enrollment per practice.

By submitting the information above, you agree that it will be governed by our site’s Privacy Policy. Providing your personal information through this form will be treated the same as if you provided a physical signature.

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